*** CANCELLED *** The Migrant as Human: Making the emotional turn in Middle East migration history

hanna gaith diary

The legal, penal and discursive depiction of people who move across borders as “migrants,” or any of its sub-categories, renders them immediately as “Other.” They are not only regarded as physically and culturally not belonging to a receiving nation/society, but even more so they are located outside the bounds of humanity. How do we then reclaim the humanity of mobile Middle Easterners who have crossed, and continue to cross, boundaries into diasporas? In this talk, I explore the role that emotions have in shaping ME migration history through some brief examples, and how that reshapes the category of "migrant." I also look to public history and its various tools for ways to transcend the discursive alienation of Middle Eastern immigrants.

 All are welcome.

This seminar is supported by funding from the European Research Council Consolidator Grant, Moving Stories: Sectarianisms in the Global Middle East (2021-2026), under the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant number 101001717).